Wellness Assessment
Student wellness is an essential component of academic success in higher education and subsequent opportunities in the labor market. Yet wellness itself has many facets. The Ohio State University Office of Student Life’s Student Wellness Center uses a model that includes ten key dimensions of wellness: career, creative, emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, physical, social, spiritual and digital.
The Wellness Assessment is designed to measure these ten dimensions of wellness in order to give students a better understanding of their own wellness and to provide them with resources that they can utilize at Ohio State to improve their wellness. Students can take the Wellness Assessment at any time during the school year to receive feedback about their own wellness. Reports generated from the Wellness Assessment utilize data collected during the month of October.
Visit go.osu.edu/WA to take the survey
View the Wellness Assessment Dashboard.
View recent reports from the Wellness Assessment. Please contact cssl@osu.edu for older Wellness Assessment reports.
Other helpful links
The Wellness Assessment is copyrighted by The Ohio State University.